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Dzieci Zygmunta Solorza w konflikcie z Justyna Kulka - komunikat prasowy

Tobias Solorz Piotr Zak and Aleksandra Zak publically state they don't know Zygmunt Solorz's whereabouts. Reports suggest Solorz's children are in conflict with his current wife Justyna Kulka. The billionaire responded to the family dispute with a letter to his employees. Solorz mentions he is removing his children from company positions to ensure stability and the firms' future.

September 26, 2024 | entertainment

Zygmunt Solorz's children, namely Tobias Solorz, Piotr Żak, and Aleksandra Żak, recently released a public statement acknowledging their lack of knowledge regarding their father's current whereabouts. Media reports have hinted at a rift between Solorz's offspring and his current wife, Justyna Kulka, with allegations suggesting she may be plotting a takeover of her husband's business empire. In response to the family feud highlighted in the 'Gazeta Wyborcza' publication, Zygmunt Solorz addressed his employees in a letter accessed by 'Presserwis.' At the outset of his communication, the founder of Cyfrowy Polsat emphasized that he had received numerous calls from decision-makers in companies under his group expressing deep concern over the aforementioned letter. Solorz acknowledged his collaborative efforts over the years with a diverse pool of individuals, some of whom have been part of the company since its inception, while others represent more recent additions. Among them, he highlighted top-notch managers and thousands of dedicated employees who had contributed to the company's success. He noted that despite his children's involvement in various managerial roles within his enterprises, he had come to realize that their current engagement was not fostering the desired stability or ensuring a brighter future for the businesses. Consequently, Zygmunt Solorz took steps to relieve his children of their positions in the companies, assuring his continued commitment to advancing and nurturing the growth of their shared business ventures. He expressed gratitude for their tireless efforts, acknowledging the challenging yet fruitful outcomes of their hard work. Additionally, he pledged to actively contribute to the development and progression of the Polsat Plus Group for the benefit of its shareholders and employees. The publication concludes with a message of appreciation for the reader's engagement, encouraging them to stay informed about entertainment industry updates on Plejada.pl. It invites readers to follow Plejada on Google News, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, while providing contact details for news tips and suggestions via email at [email protected].

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