Alicja Bachleda-Curus shares her life between Poland and USA
Alicja Bachleda-Curus splits her free time between Poland and the USA where her son Henry Tadeusz Farrell attends private school. She never hides that the United States are important to her. Recently the actress showed through social media how she spends time overseas. Bachleda-Curus is active on Instagram sharing glimpses of her private life including travels and joyful moments with her son and friends.
Alicja Bachleda-Curuś divides her free time between Poland and the USA, where her son, Henry Tadeusz Farrell, attends a private school. The actress openly expresses her attachment to the United States as an important place for her. Recently, she showcased her time spent overseas through social media. Her Instagram account is filled with posts providing insights into her personal life, sharing travel experiences, and joyful moments with her son and friends. In her latest video, Bachleda-Curuś can be seen at a beach in the USA, enjoying time with friends. Another clip captures her strolling by the ocean shore and playfully interacting with her two dogs. During her trip, the actress did not forget to indulge in a meal and even presented it to her fans. Witness how the star spent her leisure moments in the USA in the gallery at the top of the page. Bartosz Obuchowicz, known for his role in 'Na dobre i na złe,' reminisced about his time acting alongside Alicja Bachleda-Curuś. In a recent interview, Obuchowicz fondly recalled their collaboration on set, highlighting the pleasure he experienced working with her.
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