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Historia Kariery Muzycznej Edyty Bartosiewicz Od Debiutanckiego Albumu po Koncerty z Orkiestra

Edyta Bartosiewicz zadebiutowaa solowym albumem w 1992 r. zatytuowanym "Love" ktry zdoby uznanie w rodowisku muzyki alternatywnej i pop-rockowej. Prawdziwy sukces przynis jej album "Sen" ktry osign trzykrotn platyn i trafi do 600 tys. suchaczy. Jej utwory takie jak "Kozioroec" "Tatua" czy "Urodziny" stay si klasyk polskiej muzyki. Bartosiewicz ewoluowaa muzycznie osigajc sukcesy z takimi albumami jak "Szok'n'Show" "Dziecko" i "Wodospady". Mimo okresu przerwy powrcia do muzyki wydajc albumy "Renovatio" i "Ten moment" docierajc do coraz wikszej publicznoci.

October 01, 2024 | entertainment

Były to the moments of Edyta Bartosiewicz's musical career. Her first solo album was released in 1992. The English-language 'Love' stirred interest among fans of alternative and pop-rock music. The true breakthrough in her career was 'Sen', which was released two years later. It went triple platinum, with 600 thousand copies reaching listeners. Songs like 'Koziorożec', 'Tatuaż', 'Urodziny', or the titular 'Sen' became classics of Polish music. On 'Śnie', Bartosiewicz showcased a different side - turning from a melancholic girl to a spiritual and rock-and-roll infused, daring woman. Among captivating, sensitive lyrics, there was room for guitar riffs and playful solos. It provided a perfect contrast, fitting into the rock and grunge atmospheres prevailing in people's minds at the time. 'Sen', beloved by Poland. The 30th anniversary of 'Sen' is an extraordinary occasion for Bartosiewicz to remind us of her outstanding work. Even though the artist is not a common sight on TV screens, in August, she made an exception and performed several songs from the groundbreaking record on the stage of the Forest Opera during the Sopot Top of The Top Festival 2024. Fans, who appreciate sound quality, are excited about the remastered record released for the anniversary. By Universal Music Polska, it's available for the first time as a double vinyl - black and colorful. The recordings for this historic record featured Michał Grymuza (guitar), Radosław Zagajewski (bass), Krzysztof Palczewski (keyboards), and Krzysztof Poliński (drums). It was produced by the artist's then-husband, Leszek Kamiński. 'Sen' became the singer's ticket to the top league of Polish music stars, and from then on, Bartosiewicz was known not only as a skilled composer but also a lyricist (over the decades, she wrote songs for Edyta Górniak and the Cugowski brothers, among others). In addition, the record won the Fryderyk Award for Best Rock Album during the first edition of the competition in 1995, and the artist received the award for Best Female Vocalist. In subsequent years, she released albums such as the hit-filled 'Szok'n'Show' (1995), 'Dziecko' (1997), and 'Wodospady' (1998) before unexpectedly vanishing from the scene. At the beginning of 2002, she announced plans to start working on a new album, which... never materialized. Although she could have been a symbol of the 90s, she disappeared into obscurity for a long time. She only made sporadic public appearances, such as in the song and video 'Trudno tak (razem być nam ze sobą)', which was a huge hit for Krzysztof Krawczyk in 2004. Bartosiewicz didn't want to return permanently and appeared sporadically - at the 10th anniversary of Myslovitz or at the Enchanted Song Festival. For two years, until 2008, she didn't perform due to mourning the death of her manager and friend, Jacek Nowakowski. She disappeared for years and returned in glory. 'It was like undressing naked on stage'. A significant moment in her career was the spectacular return to live performances at the Orange Warsaw Festival in 2010. Her fans were still waiting for a new album, which finally came out in 2013, titled 'Renovatio'. It was promoted with the single 'Rozbitkowie'. 'I'm a pretty sensitive person. I never knew how to deal with stress. Sport was my safety valve, helped me a lot in my youth, and so did music to release those emotions', she said about her break from the stage on the program 'Onet Rano'. In 2020, she released another album, 'Ten moment', but - as she recently said - a crucial moment was the acoustic concert she performed alone in November 2022. During that event, she appeared in a small Warsaw club for a few hundred people. The first solo act was like undressing naked on stage. I never practiced this kind of formula. 'Solo act is a musical stand-up, where I tell my story between songs. This formula worked, as if people needed it. It's an energy exchange', she said in September 2024 on Polish Radio 1. Such intimate performances revitalized her career. 'Things started to fall into place. Very slowly, but sensibly, logically. In the last two years, I’ve made tremendous progress,' she added. This progress, which she has made, takes the artist to slightly larger stages, yet to intimate venues that allow the audience to delight in the sound. She will be accompanied by a symphony orchestra conducted by Daniel Nosewicz. In total, she will play nine concerts across Poland, including in Warsaw, Poznań, Białystok, and Kraków. Thank you for reading our article to the end. At Plejada.pl, we cover the most important show business events every day. Stay informed! Follow Plejada in Google News. Visit us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Do you want to share an interesting news item or suggest a topic? Contact us by emailing [email protected].

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