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Magda Moek Przeprosiny za pomoc powodzianom wywouj kontrowersje

Magda Moek a well-known Polish journalist apologized for her recent flood relief campaign after facing criticism online. Despite good intentions the initiative was perceived as more of a marketing ploy rather than genuine aid.

September 21, 2024 | entertainment

Magda Mołek, one of Poland's most popular journalists, continues to conduct inspiring interviews with famous personalities online, even after her television stint. She actively engages on social media, showcasing various collaborations. Recently, along with Katarzyna Sokołowska, she became the ambassador for the Polish fashion brand Tatuum. In response to the tragedy unfolding in the southern regions of the country, both stars announced a campaign to support flood victims. For every product purchased, the company pledged to donate 10 PLN to the 'Entrepreneurs for Flood Victims' initiative. Despite Mołek's intention to help the victims, the charity drive sparked controversy. Critics online perceived it as more of a commercial endeavor rather than genuine assistance. The overwhelming response prompted Mołek to issue a public apology. In her Instagram statement, she acknowledged her mistake, highlighting her emotional connections to the flood-affected areas. 'I'd like to address your reaction to our joint relief effort with Tatuum and apologize. We meant well, but sometimes mistakes are made in the heat of the moment and emotions...' she confessed at the outset. 'I'm from Lower Silesia, the flooded areas are my home. I survived the flood in 1997 and know the fear. I also know the cost—financially and emotionally—of rebuilding after such a tragedy. I help in any way I can because my friends and family live there. I trust that you know me, I believe you will understand and accept my apologies,' she revealed in a video posted on Instagram. Thank you for reading our article to the end. Stay up to date with the latest showbiz events on Plejada.pl. Follow Plejada in Google News. Visit us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Do you have interesting news to share or suggest a topic? Contact us by email at [email protected].

SOURCE : plejada