Jimena celebrates her engagement news with her father Camila and upcoming wedding in the latest episode of La Promesa - paac tajemnic
Jimena receives congratulations from her father Camila on her engagement and upcoming wedding. Maria happily shares Salvador's declaration with her friend. Cruz worries about her sister's strange behavior. Baron believes she should take better care of Eugenia. Lope persuades Simona to write another fake letter. The premiere of the 55th episode of the series 'La promesa - paac tajemnic' will air on January 9 2025 at 305 PM on TVP2. 'La promesa - paac tajemnic' follows the story of a young girl Jana who experienced a traumatic event in her childhood. Her mother was murdered in front of her and her brother was kidnapped. Unable to let go of the tragic memories Jana dedicates her life to uncovering the truth about her family and seeking justice. She decides to take matters into her own hands and find the perpetrators of the crime. Jana's journey leads her to the La Promesa residence where she works as a maid to solve the mystery of the past. Stay up-to-date with the latest episodes on Onet Kultura.
Jimena is excited about her engagement and upcoming wedding, sharing the news with her father Camila. Maria happily discusses Salvador's declaration with her friend. Cruz is concerned about her sister's unusual reactions, and Baron thinks she should take better care of Eugenia. Lope encourages Simona to write another fake letter, adding to the drama. The 55th episode of 'La promesa - pałac tajemnic' is set to premiere on January 9, 2025, at 3:05 PM on TVP2, promising more twists and turns in the story. Follow the gripping tale of Jana, a young woman haunted by a tragic past, seeking answers about her family and their dark secrets. Her quest for justice leads her to the mysterious La Promesa estate, where she unravels the enigma of her past. For more intriguing stories like this, visit Onet Kultura to stay informed and entertained.
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