Dua Lipa shares her passion for books in an intimate book club interview
Renowned singer Dua Lipa discusses her love for literature and her fascination with the book 'Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead' during an interview. She elaborates on how the title intrigued her and led her to recommend the book to friends.
Dua Lipa, a prominent figure in the global music scene, delved into the realm of literature during a conversation at her exclusive book club, 'Service95.' Her admiration for the book 'Drive Your Plough Over the Bones of the Dead' was evident as she shared her excitement about its title. 'I'm a huge fan. My friend works for your publisher in the UK and gave me a pile of books to read. When I saw the title, I was intrigued the moment I picked up the book,' the artist stated. The interview kicked off with a curious inquiry from Dua Lipa about the mysterious title. The writer swiftly responded, noting the struggles she faced in finalizing the book's title. 'It was quite a challenge as the publisher initially doubted the marketability of such a book,' she reminisced. Dua Lipa expressed how Janina Duszejko's story captivated her until the last page, prompting her to recommend it to friends throughout the summer. Eventually, she decided to share her fascination with the world, inviting Tokarczuk to her online book club. The Polish author shared her admiration for William Blake's work, from which the publication's title was inspired. She mentioned how Blake, though not universally known in Poland, held significance for her, infusing a hint of mystery into the mundane reality of life during the communist era. 'Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead' narrates a tale of nature's vengeance against hunters. As Tokarczuk explained to the singer, she has always been attuned to animal suffering, even penning a piece on 'the uprising of dogs' at the age of 12. 'Hunting is one of the cruelest ways to treat animals. There's no need to hunt when we're not starving anymore,' Tokarczuk emphasized. We appreciate you reading our article to the end. Stay updated on the latest entertainment news daily on Plejada.pl. Follow us on Google News, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Do you have interesting news to share or a topic to suggest? Get in touch with us at [email protected].
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