Home/entertainment/Bliscy martwia sie o Bena Afflecka w obliczu rozwodu z Jennifer Lopez "Jego reputacja ucierpiaa. Zmaga sie z wyrzutami sumienia"


Shock Ben Affleck in Crisis - Possible Return to Alcohol Addiction

The media is abuzz with the upcoming divorce of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. A tabloid informant revealed that the actor is deeply affected by the current situation. Loved ones fear that the 52-year-old may relapse...

September 29, 2024 | entertainment

In the media, the echoes of the impending divorce between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are still ringing. An informant from one tabloid disclosed that the actor is really struggling with the current situation. Loved ones are worried that the 52-year-old might return to his old habits... Nothing lasts forever in show business, especially marriages. This was recently proven by those who, for a long time, after their reunion, were considered one of the most popular couples in the media world. Although they are still married, divorce seems inevitable. In mid-August, just a few days after the actor's birthday, rumors began circulating in the foreign media about the tumultuous split... Tabloids are exposing the behind-the-scenes of the celebrity couple's relationship, with numerous paparazzi following their every move. The parties involved are making every effort to ensure a conflict-free divorce, especially considering the large sums of money at stake. Ben Affleck Devastated by Divorce Although the media frequently shows photos of Ben, who, despite marital problems, appears to be happy, the reality may be quite different. According to an informant, the actor is struggling with feelings of guilt. Additionally, his breakdown is also said to worsen his already damaged reputation. -explained the insider. Ben Affleck's Alcohol Problem Ben Affleck's alcohol problem has also resurfaced. The actor has been battling addiction since the age of 15. According to a source from 'In Touch Weekly', his loved ones are now concerned that he may revert back to his old ways. The 52-year-old can rely not only on his brother or mother but also on helpful friends or even his ex-wife. concluded the 'In Touch Weekly' informant.

SOURCE : pudelek