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Agata Kornhauser-Duda's Retirement Pension What Can She Expect

The regulations governing retirement benefits for presidents have long been established with changes only in the amount of the presidential pension. However the situation is different for first ladies who are prohibited from working leading to potential reductions in later benefits. Agata Kornhauser-Duda is exempt from this restriction and may even receive a pension increase during Andrzej Duda's presidency. The lack of legal regulations concerning first ladies negatively impacted their finances due to the absence of ZUS contributions resulting in lower pensions. The changes introduced mean that first ladies now have social security contributions paid for them which is crucial for their retirement benefits. The President's Office confirmed that spouses of the President of Poland's basis for contributions to retirement accident health and disability insurance is calculated based on the predicted average monthly earnings announced in the Official Gazette for the given year. There is likely to be a significant increase in the average wage in Poland by 2025 which will affect the retirement benefits paid by ZUS. Among other things this will impact Agata Kornhauser-Duda's future retirement earnings allowing for approximately 490 PLN gross monthly increase after reaching retirement age. Additionally former presidents including Andrzej Duda are entitled to presidential pensions after leaving office currently standing at about 13700 PLN per month. However President Duda believes this is insufficient due to the expenses associated with post-presidential life. The topic of presidential pensions has been a subject of debate in Poland especially considering former President Duda's comments on the need for higher post-presidency benefits.

January 07, 2025 | business

The regulations governing retirement benefits for presidents have long been established, with changes only in the amount of the presidential pension. However, the situation is different for first ladies, who are prohibited from working, leading to potential reductions in later benefits. Agata Kornhauser-Duda is exempt from this restriction and may even receive a pension increase during Andrzej Duda's presidency. The lack of legal regulations concerning first ladies negatively impacted their finances due to the absence of ZUS contributions, resulting in lower pensions. The changes introduced mean that first ladies now have social security contributions paid for them, which is crucial for their retirement benefits. The President's Office confirmed that spouses of the President of Poland's basis for contributions to retirement, accident, health, and disability insurance is calculated based on the predicted average monthly earnings, announced in the Official Gazette for the given year. There is likely to be a significant increase in the average wage in Poland by 2025, which will affect the retirement benefits paid by ZUS. Among other things, this will impact Agata Kornhauser-Duda's future retirement earnings, allowing for approximately 490 PLN gross monthly increase after reaching retirement age. Additionally, former presidents, including Andrzej Duda, are entitled to presidential pensions after leaving office, currently standing at about 13,700 PLN per month. However, President Duda believes this is insufficient due to the expenses associated with post-presidential life. The topic of presidential pensions has been a subject of debate in Poland, especially considering former President Duda's comments on the need for higher post-presidency benefits.

SOURCE : interiabiznes